
Apple Responds to Bendgate – Reveals its own Torture Lab

In a bid to shed some much needed light on the “bendgate” issues that is sweeping the world, Apple has issued an invitation to the media to visit their very own torture lab. They want to show the world exactly how much pressure they put the iPhones under before the public gets to even see them.
Image : Apple Reveals its own Torture Testing Lab for iPhone 6

Since the first report came out, the world has gone a little crazy, with a number of “bendgate” adsbeing published. However, out of 10 million units sold, Apple says that they have been contacted about bending by just 9 people.
According to Phil Schiller, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were two of the most heavily tested iPhones ever made. He explained that they had to be thoroughly tested to see how they would cope with “real world use” and, to that end, around 15000 each of the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus were given to Apple employees for pocket testing.
Apple revealed that 25kg of pressure were enough to bend an iPhone and have it snap back to shape so any mobile phone, no matter what it is, will bend under sufficient pressure. Schiller also said that testing takes place in their Chinese factories as well, leaving no stone unturned in a bid to break the iPhone before the public does.
Image : More images of iPhone 6 being tested for durability
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iphone 6 torture test apple (1)
Apple has said that, should your iPhone 6 bend under normal use, take in to your nearest Apple Care store, Genius Bar or contact Apple customer services. Should the problem be caused by something that should never happen, it will be replaced under warranty. Can’t say much fairer than that!



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